Praise for Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine
Motivators, innovators, educators, entertainers, entrepreneurs, and others who inspire us to be great are unified in their excitement for the book and its potential to positively impact our world.

Forbes: Kurzweil among 13 “Most Influential Leaders in Tech”
Along with Elon Musk, Larry Ellison, Bill Gates, Mark Benioff, Steve Jobs, Bill Joy, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos.
See the entire listThe uncanny accuracy of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions in his books—as well as his vision for what is still to come—has inspired many in our industry. His current work on artificial intelligence, his educational efforts at Singularity University and his most recent book, Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine, continue to demonstrate his relevance as well as his ability to inspire the next generation of innovators. - Paul Blough, BloughTech

Foreword Reviews
Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine is a coming-of-age novel that also serves as a call to action
Read the reviewIn American inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil’s young adult coming-of-age epic Danielle: Chronicles of a Superheroine, capable children are given the freedom to innovate solutions to real world problems.

Peter Diamandis
New York Times best-selling author and cofounder of Singularity University
Read More“A brilliant combination of fiction and nonfiction, something that has never been done before. A must read for young people from 10 to 110!”

Suzanne Somers
New York Times best-selling author, entertainer, and entrepreneur
Read More“A brilliant novel that shows how anyone, even a child, can transform the world with their ideas.”

Stevie Wonder
Read More"Danielle shines a light forward to a future with more peace, more love, and more understanding. Ray inspires each of us to be a Danielle and reach these goals through our gifts, our intelligence, and our passion.”

Aimee Mullins
American athletic pioneer, first amputee in history to compete in Division I NCAA Track and Field, actress, fashion icon, National Women’s Hall of Fame inductee
Read More“A call to arms for the next generation of superheroines and superheroes. Ray Kurzweil's celebration of unbridled determination and experiential learning has brought us the adventures of the wondrous Danielle. Through his expansive imagination and singular storytelling ability, he’s created an inspiring alternate history where a confident and courageous girl changes the world for the better . . . ”

Martine Rothblatt
One of Forbes' “100 Greatest Living Business Minds”
Read More“Danielle is an inspiring page-turner that engages the heart and mind of young adults as well as free-thinking adults of all ages. It is as intellectually uplifting as Ray Kurzweil’s other great books, but his trenchant lessons on techno-immortality and techno-abundance are now distilled into a storyline that has the makings of a classic fable. Amy Kurzweil’s evocative artwork are like meditation focal points that recapitulate the plot with iconic images. Danielle is a literary work exemplar of Einstein’s adage that things should be made as simple as possible but no simpler. The Kurzweils have made the techno-progressive thesis accessible to all. I know, for sure, countless lives will be saved as a result. These are masterpieces. I’m confident these books will change the world. Save the world. Kids will read them and do amazing, progressive things no one thought possible, but by modeling on Danielle (and absorbing the succulent yet succinct knowledge from A Chronicle of Ideas), they will be emboldened to do what they will then know they cannot not do.”

Isabelle Fuhrman
Actress (The Hunger Games, Orphan)
Read More“Danielle is a modern-day hero for everyone to look up to. A ‘Wonder Woman’ who doesn’t need super strength but rather, her own super brain.”

Dean Ornish, M.D.
Founder & President of The Preventive Medicine Research Institute; Clinical Professor of Medicine, UCSF and best-selling author
Read More“What do we need for the health and survival of our planet? For every young person to know that they also possess the courage, determination, creativity, and intelligence of Danielle. Ray Kurzweil delivers a perspicacious thought experiment combining a poignant work of fiction with a deeply researched nonfiction guide for achieving profound positive change.”